Why aircraft is full on 100% but it isn`t profitable?
There is two variants.
The price of a ticket isn`t enough for pay off of aircraft
The main profit of the flight is earned by direct flight. If passengers flight with less number of a transfer you will get more profitable
Why a route has diffrent prices of tickets beetwen two cities?
There are many parameters. The main parameter is a popular destination. For example. London - Madrid is the popular destination but Madrid - London isn`t popular destination.
Why aircraft is 0 level and my company is 0 level but I can`t lease aircraft?
Each aircraft has a diffrent level for the leasing it doesn`t relate to the level of the aircraft
How often aircraft are updated in the aircraft shop?
The aircraft shop update aircraft each a game day
What does the passenger rating affect?
The rating affects to the passenger traffic. For example. If you have 3 of 5 rating the passenger traffic is dropped off about 30-50%
What does the weather affect?
The weather in the game has a diffrent affect.
If the city has windy or snowly aircraft doesn`t fly from this city to a destination point and other aircraft from diffrent cities don`t fly to this city.
Huricanes affect to cities more than other the weather. For example. If a huricane affect to a city, this city bans to cancle all flights because the city is suffered by a huricane. If you cancel the flight before end of the recovering period of the city you have to pay a big fine to return to this city